
The EcoDisc project is funded by a 2-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action grant I obtained from the EU in 2022. The project consists in developing incentivized experiments to evaluate preferences surrounding discrimination through the study of discriminatory behavior and the underlying moral ideals and social norms. Here I post updates on the project.

  • Nov. 1, 2022: start of EcoDisc.

  • April—June 2023: pilot experiment (for ethnic and gender discrimination preferences) conducted and presentation of the pilot at NHH, AU, and CNEE workshop (Technical University of Denmark).

  • Aug. 2023: data collected for auxiliary experiment on estimating social desirability and experimenter demand effects for gender discrimination.

  • Oct. 2023: data collected for the main experiment (for gender discrimination) in the UK population, presentation of the auxiliary experiment at CNEE workshop (Copenhagen Business School), and presentation of the main experiment in Maastricht.

  • Nov.-Dec. 2023: presentation of the main experiment at NHH and SOFI (Stockholm University).

  • April--June 2024: presentation of the main experiment at CEBI (University of Copenhagen), University of Stavanger, and M-BEES/M-BEPS (canceled due to sickness).

  • Sept.—Nov. 2024: presentation of the main experiment at the Nordic Conference for Behavioral and Experimental Economics (Copenhagen), the PIREAU workshop (Aarhus), and the CNEE workshop (Lund University).

  • Nov. 2024: data collected for the extension experiment (for ethnic, gender, and LGBTQ+ status discrimination) in the UK population, and end of EcoDisc and preparation of the working paper.